Tyre Repair Training with REMA TIP TOP
- Aug 31, 2017
As a lot of people have asked us, here you can see pictures and notes of how to repair car and truck tyres using Rema Tip Top tools, equipment and repair material on our Facebook page. In case of interest, feel free to contact us for a live demonstration and training!
REMA TIP TOP is a product brand name used for tyre repairs and sealing material for tyres and tubes, special tools for tyre repairs, tools for tyre handling & servicing, vulcanizing etc.
REMA TIP TOP also provides quality service and innovative solution to all sectors of business especially AUTOMOTIVE which is part of what C.WOERMAN NIGERIA LTD represents.
Tyres are known as the second biggest cost factor in transport business or operations. With REMA TIP TOP repair materials you can revive your tyres and reduce your operational costs.
REMA TIP TOP offers every tool needed to repair every kind of tyres at your workshop. REMA TIP TOP is the top supplier of tyre repair solution for trucks, cars and bicycles from patches through sealants to mounters and washers.
But how can the professional Nigerian Tyre-fixer use REMA TIP TOP? In order to get the knowledge across, C. Woermann organized a theoretical as well as practical training in their premises in Lagos, Nigeria. Not only were all necessary tools and various sizes of tyres there, the Technical Advisor of REMA TIP TOP GERMANY, Mr. Michel Seguin was also present to hold a training, providing all the various tips and tricks of repairing damaged tyres for its numerous and potential customers.

Impressions from our autumn REMA TIP TOP training in Lagos.

Impressions from our autumn REMA TIP TOP training in Lagos.

Impressions from our autumn REMA TIP TOP training in Lagos.
As a lot of people have asked us, here you can see pictures and notes of how to repair car and truck tyres using Rema Tip Top tools, equipment and repair material on our Facebook page. In case of interest, feel free to contact us for a live demonstration and training!